work with me
Helping you comply, managing your risks and protecting your business.
My training isn’t like other compliance training.
AML/CFT/CPF training
Yes, it is mandatory. No, it doesn’t have to feel like a chore.
In line with the AML/CFT/CPF Handbook, four sessions are provided covering relevant topics for each of them:
All employees
Board (or equivalent)
MLRO (+ any deputies)
Tailored to your business and it’s risks.
Up to date with the latest information.
Engaging, face-to-face and interactive.
Tests employees to prove effectiveness.
Includes real life examples and case studies.
Provides insights into regulator expectations.
Complies with Jersey’s regulatory requirements.
Other training
Tell me what you need and I’ll see what I can do.
Bespoke training for individuals or groups, facilitation of practical workshops and speaking at events.
Session lengths and costs will depend on the industry sector(s), scope of the training and how many people are attending.
To give you an idea, for a regulated business: Training costs for employee AML/CFT/CPF training for 1.5 hours (up to 20 people per session) = £1,500 each session.
I would recommend a maximum of 20 people in each session to encourage better engagement.
Please get in touch for a quote based on your needs.
It will be up to you to organise an appropriate venue. If you do not have space in your office, there are rooms which you can hire in various locations in St Helier.
I do not typically allow training to be recorded, however, it may be possible in limited circumstances.
I believe that face-to-face training is the most effective. However, I am able to provide sessions online such as via Microsoft Teams. The cost per person would be the same.
No, I find that hybrid sessions can be difficult to present and both the quality and engagement levels can suffer.
Depending on the scope of the training, I will send you a confidential questionnaire which will ask relevant questions about your business and it’s risks. I may also request appropriate documentation.
I will provide you with a summary of the training content ahead of the training, for your board (or equivalent) to review, consider, and document their approval. You will need to keep this on your records as evidence.
Generally all training sessions will include some form of testing. This will be confirmed in your quote.
For AML/CFT/CPF training, it is recommended that testing be conducted before and after. Testing before helps to identify any areas of lower understanding which I can focus more on. Testing after shows how effective the training has been and if there are any further training requirements.
No, I only cover the Jersey regulatory framework. However, I may include examples from other jurisdictions depending on the scope of the training.
Not typically. However, should you wish me to include this, we can discuss costs.
I can provide these if required. I will need to be provided with names of all attendees and there will be an admin charge which I will confirm in your quote.
I want the training to be accessible to everyone, let’s discuss your employee’s needs and see how we can tailor it to include them.
It’s all about providing you with comfort really.
When you need an extra pair of (safe) hands.
Secondments into your business to provide cover whilst you find replacement compliance personnel or to provide hands-on assistance with remediation and other projects.
Fresh eyes to check you’re doing things right, and well.
Check technical compliance with the regulatory framework and/or review effectiveness, providing recommended actions for improvement. This could be a full review or focused on a particular area.
A no-nonsense, simplified approach.
Assistance with risk management, design and implementation of systems and controls, development of RegTech, and guidance around regulatory matters (such as examinations).
Costs are dependent on factors such as the scope of the work, length/timeframes, industry sector(s) and risks. Please get in touch for a quote.
I can do either. I have a remote working station set up at home.
For secondments into your business, you would typically provide me with a company laptop so that I work from within your systems. For other work, I typically use my own equipment, which is fully secure.
No, we will have an agreement for me to provide you with my services as a consultant.
Yes, I do.
Under the current regulatory framework, it is not possible for me to be appointed into key person positions on an outsourced, short-term basis.
The typical approach would be that a board member hold the position and I support with covering the role’s responsibilities, whilst they recruit the right person as a replacement.
No, not at this time.